
Suc­cess is the sum of right choices.

Investment Header W1902 G0217 01
Investment Header W1902 G0217 01
  • bn.

    Assets under manage­ment in €

  • %

    Growth in 2023

  • bn.

    Volu­me of tran­sac­tion in 2023 in €


What we stand for

We think holistically, act quickly and work with foresight. Making the right decisions is both our job and our passion. That is why, since many years, we have been a recognised partner for institutional investors in Germany. Our aim is to build long-term and successful relationships with our investors, so that they can benefit from our extensive experience in the rapid and successful execution of a wide range of investment opportunities and gain access to attractive off-market deals through our established network. As a capital management company (“KVG”), compliance with the relevant regulations is as much a matter of course for us as our expertise in tax, corporate, regulatory and investment law at the highest level.

Assets under management in bn. €

Hero Image

Standortkarte Invest

Mar­kets of tomorrow

Our mission is to identify and exploit interesting investment opportunities. We focus exclusively on attractive long-term investment environments, which we identify at an early stage through our research activities. These are primarily regions where population growth and an optimal economic situation ensure sustainable growth prospects.

Pro­ducts made to measure

Since KVG's inception in 2005, our aim has been to understand our clients' needs and to exceed their expectations. We design tailor-made solutions for institutional investors, such as commingled funds, separate accounts or club deals. We advise each investor individually and on an equal footing. Our actions are characterised by agility and transparency. Long-term partnerships with our investors are proof of this.

assets under management in €

9 commingled funds

Structure: Restricted property funds, Investment KG

Risk classes: Core, Core Plus

Target volume: 150 m € - 1.2 bn €

Types of use: Residential, office, retail, parking

Investment locations: Germany, Netherlands

14 separate accounts

Structure: Restricted property funds (also as fund of funds), Investment KG

Risk classes: Core, Core Plus

Types of use: Residential, office, retail, parking, light industrial

Investment locations: Germany

22 club deals

Structure: KG structure, Investment KG, Lux-Sarl

Risk classes: Core, Core Plus, opportunistic

Target volume: 150 m € – 500 m €

Types of use: Residential, retail, office, logistics

Investment locations: Germany

Beckmann Tower & Wilhelm House


20,200 sqm leasable area
Completion 2025
Purchase 2023
Separate Account



4,580 sqm leasable area
Year of construction 2022
Purchase 2022
Separate Account



227 parking spaces
Year of construction 2019
Purchase 2022
Commingled Funds


Frankfurt am Main

78,770 sqm leasable area
Year of construction | modernization 1906 | 2018-21
Purchase 2016
Club Deal



Retail, office
34,780 sqm leasable area
Year of construction | modernization 1905-06 | 2013
Purchase 2013
Club Deal

Stadtpark Quartier


10,900 sqm rental area
Year of construction 1827-1829
Purchase Q3 2013
Separate Account



Office, retail, housing
19,900 sqm rental area
Year of construction 1827-1829
Purchase Q3 2013
Separate Account

Asset manage­ment

There are many stages in the life cycle of a property, and we look at them as a whole. As experienced asset managers, we plan, manage and implement targeted value-enhancing measures while maintaining an overview of the entire property portfolio. Our aim is to increase value and optimise returns. Our investors can rely on this.

W1904 D0920

assets under management in €


The majority of our investors are made up of German insurance companies, professional pension funds, savings banks and other pension funds. We are also always on the lookout for exciting investment opportunities for international investors. Close cooperation with our investors in a spirit of partnership is our top priority – because we are more than just a service provider.

Project Midtown 16

Purcha­se profiles

Office properties

We are looking for office properties in good locations in major German cities.

Retail properties

We are looking for retail properties in prime inner-city locations.

Residential properties

We are looking for residential properties (new and existing) in growth centres with positive demographic and economic development.


We are looking for parking properties in high-frequency locations (city centres, shopping centres, hospitals and airports) in Germany and Europe.

Logistics / Light industrial

We are looking for light industrial and logistics properties in Germany.



The information provided on this website is for information purposes only. The products presented are aimed exclusively at German professional and semi-professional investors and are not suitable for private investors.